Course Outcomes (COs)

  • 1.      Students will be acquainted with the various schools of Postmodern and Post structural critical theories.
  • 2.      Students will be able to read, internalise and appraise the thoughts of the concerned critics in the light of contemporary issues in literary theory.
  • 3.      They will cultivate an ability to analyse a literary text.
  • 4.      Their critical faculty, perception and observation on the phenomena of literature and literary theory will be enhanced.


C13: Critical Theory: II

Unit 1:      Poststructuralist Criticism

Feminist Criticism


Unit 2:     

1.      Derrida – Structure Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences (From David Lodge’s Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader.)

2.      Foucault – What is an Author? (From David Lodge’s Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader.)

      Unit 3:     

1.      Gilbert and Gubar – From ‘The Madwoman in the Attic’ (essay 15 from Rice and Waugh’s . Modern Literary Theory: A Reader)

2.      Umberto Eco: Casablanca: Cult movies and intertextual collage (From David Lodge’s Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader.)

Unit 4:     

  1. Anandvardhana: Dhvani: Structure of Poetic Meaning. (From G. N. Devy’s Indian

Literary Criticism. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan) P. 31 to 40.

  1. Homi Bhabha: ‘Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse’ (Essay

15 from Rice and Waugh’s Modern Literary Theory: A Reader)


Reference Books:

Rice and Waugh. Ed. Modern Literary Theory: A Reader. 4th Edition  London: Hodder Arnold. 2001.

Lodge, David.   Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. 2nd Edition. Harlow, England: Longman Publication. 2000.

Devy, G. N. IndianLiterary Criticism. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan

Bhabha,  Homi K.  The Location Of Culture. London: Routledge. 1994.

Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic after Thirty Years Ed. Annette R. Federico University of Missouri Columbia.2009.

Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. OUP. 1997.

Newton, K. M. Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Macmillan Education. 1997

Leitch, Vincent B. and Cain, William E., Eds. The Norton Anthology Of Theory And Criticism. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2001.

Bronner, Stephen Eric.  Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction. 1st Edition. Oxford University Press; 2011.

Bennett, Andrew and Royle, Nicholas. An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory. 5th Edition. Routledge. 2016

Eagleton Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction 3rd Edition. University Of Minnesota Press, 2008.

Barry, Peter.  Beginning  TheoryAn  Introduction  to  Literary  &  Cultural  Theories,  2nd   ed., Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2004.

Cuddon, J. A. ,Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory.  Wiley, 2013

M.S. Nagarajan, English Literary Criticism & Theory: An Introductory History, Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2006.

Selden, Widdowson and Brooker. Eds, A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, New Delhi: Pearson, 2006.

Jaawre, Aniket. Simplifications: An Introduction to Structuralism and Post-structuralism,Orient Blackswan, 2001.