This course deals with different paradigms of business research. 

Course Outcomes: CO 1: Define various terms used in research process CO 2: Describe research design, sample design and sampling methods CO 3: Apply appropriate methods for data collection for research work CO4: Use appropriate statistical tools for data analysis and interpretation. 

Unit 1. Research Fundamentals: (a) Meaning, objectives & Motivation in Research. Types of research – Research Approach. Research process (identification of research/management problem –, research question, statement of a  research problem), Distinction between a management problem and managerial research problems - relevance &scope of research in management. 

Unit 2. Research Design- (a) Features of good Design, Types of Research Design, Sampling Design steps in sample Design Characteristics of a Good Sample Design, random samples & nonrandom sampling Design, determining size of the sample. Statistical design. Measurement & scaling techniques- measurement scales, Errors in measurement. Scaling technique. Hypothesis – concept, definition, types of hypothesis, features of a good hypothesis. 

Unit 3. Data  Collection and  Analysis:  (a)  Methods of data collection, Primary data – Schedule and questionnaire. Construction of schedule and questionnaire align with objectives framed.   Collection of secondary data. Processing and analyzing data – Descriptive Analysis (Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation, and Variance Analysis) Inferential Analysis (‘t’ test, Chi-Square test, F test), Testing of hypothesis – Procedure for hypothesis testing. Parametric and Non-parametric test of hypothesis. Confidence level. Use of Ms-Excel and SPSS for data analysis – descriptive and inferential statistics. 

Unit 4. Interpretation and  Report  Writing:  (a)  Interpretation of data, Techniques of Interpretation, report writing, the layout of a project report.