Class & Semester


T. Y. B.Tech (Computer Science and Technology), Part III, Sem V


Course Title


Computer Graphics and Multimedia Techniques

Course Code



Teaching Scheme (Hours)


3 hr /week=3x13= 39 hrs




Evaluation Scheme (Marks)













= 100 

Duration of Exam


3 Hours






June 2018




The prerequisite for this course is basic knowledge of Computer Systems, Matrix Algebra, Calculus in Three Dimensions, or equivalents.

Type of Course



Course Domain  



Skills Imbibed



Course Assessment Methods:

Student is evaluated during Continuous Internal Evaluation (Internal Test I and Internal Test II) and Semester End Examination.

Course Objectives:

1.   To introduce the use of the components of a graphics system and become familiar with graphics system components and algorithms.

2.   To learn the basic principles of three- dimensional computer graphics.

3.   Provide an understanding of how to scan convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.

4.    Provide an understanding of mapping from a world coordinates to device coordinates, clipping, and projections.

5.    To be able to discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of computer games, information visualization, and business applications.

6.   To comprehend and analyze the fundamentals of animation, underlying technologies, principles, and applications.

Course Outcomes:

1.         To list the basic concepts used in computer graphics.

2.         To implement various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives, transformations, Area filling, clipping.

3.         To describe the importance of viewing and projections.

4.         To define the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality and its related technologies.

5.         To understand a typical graphics pipeline.

6.         To understand the principles of multimedia techniques.

Curriculum Content



Unit 1 Introduction to Graphics Devices:

Display Devices and Adapters, Working of Printers, LCD Display.


Unit 2 Transformations:

Basic 2D & 3D transformations - Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection, Shearing, Multiple Transformations, Rotation about an axis parallel to a coordinate axis, Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, Affine and Perspective Geometry, Orthographic projections and Axonometric projections.


Unit 3 Raster Scan Graphics:

Bresenham's line and circle drawing algorithms, Scan Conversion techniques: RLE, Frame Buffer, Scan converting polygons: Edge fill and Seed fill algorithms, Anti-aliasing and Half-toning.


Unit 4 Viewing and Clipping:

Introduction, Windowing and View-porting, Introduction to clipping, Point clipping, Line clipping: Sutherland - Cohen line clipping algorithm.


Unit 5 Curves and Surfaces

Curve Representation, Non-parametric and parametric curves, representation of space curves, Cubic Spline, Parabolic Blended curves, Bezier curves and B-spline curves, Z- buffer, Warnock algorithm.



Unit 6 Multimedia Applications

Media preparation, composition, integration, communication, entertainment using commercial tools













Text Books





1.      “Mathematical elements for Computer Graphics” - David F. Rogers, J. Alan Adams (MGH Int.)

(For chapters 1, 2, 5)

2.      “Procedural elements for Computer Graphics” - David F. Rogers, (MGH Int.) (For chapters 3, 4)

3.      “Multimedia Making it Work”, Tay Vaughan, TMGH, 5th Edition.

4.      “Multimedia Communication”, Fred Halsall, Pearson Education.

Reference Books



1.      Newman Sproul, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics” - (MGH) (chapters 1,4)

2.      Prof. Rajesh Maurya, “Computer Graphics” (Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.) (Chapter 4)

3.      Hearn & Baker, “Computer Graphics”.

4.      Ranjan Parekh, “Principles of Multimedia”, TMGH