Practical VII (CCPR-205.3)


Unit 1

1.      Study of living shoot apices by dissection using aquatic plants  ( Ceratophyllum and Hydrilla)

2.      Study of different types of stomata

3.      Study of different types of  trichomes.

4.      Study of ultrastructure of male gametophyte with the help of slides and microphotographs.

5.      Study of ultrastructure of female gametophyte with the help of slides and microphotographs.

6.      Study of few apomicts with the help of any suitable material.


Unit 2

1.      Study of polyembryonic seeds. (Mango, Citrus)

2.      Study of pollen morphotypes (by at least 6 examples)

3.      Study of aerospora by Gravity slide method and preparation of pollen calender.

4.      Study of allergic plants and their pollen.

5.      Study of fertility by TTC (or Acetocarmine method)

6.      Study of Pollen germination.