- Course Outcomes (COs)
CO-2. Students will understand the nature scope of sociolinguistics and stylistics.
CO-3. Students will be able to interpret, analyse and evaluate different registers of written and spoken English and to compose an analytical composition based on it.
CO-4. Students will be able to analyse and categorise different types of deviation and devices of foregrounding.
CO-5. Students will be able to analyse an unseen poem stylistically and to compose an analytical composition based on it.
- Syllabus:
Unit 1: Sociolinguistics: Language and society, Speech community, Varieties languages, dialect, register, style; Language contact, pidgin, creole, diglossia, code mixing, code switching and borrowing
Unit 2: Register Analysis
(Note: The course is equally shared with Dr. A. M. Sarwade. He dealt with the remaining two units of the Course: Unit 3: Stylistics and Unit 4: Stylistic analysis of poetry)
- Reference Books:
- Peter, Trudgil. Sociolinguistics: An introduction to Language. Penguin Books (S U Lib)
- Mohsen, Ghadessy. Register Analysis: Theory and Practice. Amazon .com (Net)
- Hudson, R. A. Sociolinguistics. C U P.
- Biber, Duglas. Register, Genre and Style. C U P (Net)
- Teacher: Dipak Bhadle