EC24 - Optoelectronics
Unit 1:
Introduction: Historical developments, Optical fiber communication system, Principle of optical communication, Advantages of optical fiber communication, Total internal reflection, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Skew rays, Cylindrical fiber.
Structure and types of optical cable: Structure of optical fibers, Single and multimode fibers, Step index and graded index optical fiber.
Unit 2:
Transmission characteristics of optical fibers: Mid-infrared and Far-infrared transmission, Inter-modal and Intra-modal dispersion, Overall fiber dispersion, Polarization.
Losses in optical fibers: Attenuation, Material absorption losses, Linear scattering losses, Non-linear scattering losses and Fiber bends loss and Joint loss.
Preparation methods of optical fibers: Liquid phase (melting) and Vapour phase deposition techniques.
Unit 3:
Optical fiber connection: Joints, Fiber alignment, Splices, Connectors, Couplers.
Optical sources: Absorption and emission of radiation, Einstein's relation, Population inversion,
Optical emission from semiconductors, Semiconductor LASER, LED power and efficiency characteristics. Optical transmitter and receiver.
Unit 4:
Optical detectors: Optical detection principles, Absorption and emission, Quantum efficiency, Responsivity, Long wavelength cutoff, p-n photodiode, p-i-n photo diode, photo transistors.
Optical fiber measurements: Fiber attenuation measurements, Dispersion measurements, Refractive index profile measurements, Cut-off wavelength measurements, Numerical aperture measurements.
Reference Books:
1. Optical fiber communications, Principles and Practice: John M. Senior, PHI.
2. Optical fiber communications: Gerd Keiser, Mc-Graw Hill International Edition.
3. Optical fiber communication: J. Gower, PHI.
4. Optical communications: components and systems: Franz and Jain, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Optical fiber systems, Technology design and applications: Charles K Kao, Mc- Graw Hill Int. Ed.
- Teacher: Dr. M K Bhanarkar