CCPR- 105: Laboratory Course (120 Hrs)
A 100 Marks
Introduction to basic laboratory instruments like – pH meter, colorimeter, single
pan balance - calibration, centrifuge, etc.
Determination of total amino acid concentration by ninhydrin method.
Estimation of protein concentration by
Biuret method
Lowry method
Spectrophotometric method
Dye binding method
Estimation of reducing sugar concentration by DNSA method
Estimation of total sugar concentration by
Phenol-H2SO4 method
Anthrone method
Estimation of glucose concentration by Glucose oxidase method
Determination of fructose concentration by resorcinol method.
Estimation of cholesterol
B 100 Marks
Estimation of vitamin C concentration by DCPIP method.
Isolation of Characterization of casein from milk.
Isolation and characterization of starch from potato.
Isolation of cholesterol and lecithin from egg yolk.
Formal titration
Detection of Carbohydrates
Detection of Amino acids
Studies on lipids: Acid value, saponification value, and iodine number
- Teacher: Sushama Patil