CCPR- 105: Laboratory Course (120 Hrs)

A 100 Marks

 Introduction to basic laboratory instruments like – pH meter, colorimeter, single

pan balance - calibration, centrifuge, etc.

 Determination of total amino acid concentration by ninhydrin method.

 Estimation of protein concentration by

 Biuret method

 Lowry method

 Spectrophotometric method

 Dye binding method

 Estimation of reducing sugar concentration by DNSA method

 Estimation of total sugar concentration by

 Phenol-H2SO4 method

 Anthrone method

 Estimation of glucose concentration by Glucose oxidase method

 Determination of fructose concentration by resorcinol method.

 Estimation of cholesterol

B 100 Marks

 Estimation of vitamin C concentration by DCPIP method.

 Isolation of Characterization of casein from milk.

 Isolation and characterization of starch from potato.

 Isolation of cholesterol and lecithin from egg yolk.

 Formal titration

 Detection of Carbohydrates

 Detection of Amino acids

 Studies on lipids: Acid value, saponification value, and iodine number