This paper deals with the study of Living and fossil forms of pteridophytes, and Gymnosperms.
Unit I: [15]
Brief outline of Classification of Pteridophytes (Extant) [1]
Morphology, reproduction, phylogeny and interrelationship of following orders with reference to the forms mentioned against each.(Extant) [12]
Psilotales- Tmesipteris, Lycopodiales- Lycopodium, Isoetales- Isoetes, Filicales- Microsorum, Marattiales- Angiopteris, Salviniales- Salvinia.
Current trends of research in Pteridophytes [2]
Practical Paper:
Unit I: [15]
1-6. Morphological, anatomyl and reproductive studies of the following members
(available specimens / slides) ( Extant)
Psilotales : Tmesipteris
Lycopodiales : Lycopodium,
Isoetales : Isoetes
Filicales : Microsorium,
Marattiales : Angiopteris
Salviniales : Salvinia
Unit II: [15]
1-6. Study of the morphology and anatomy of ( Extant) the vegetative and reproductive
parts of Araucaria, Cupressus, Podocarpus, Ginkgo, Taxus, and Ephedra from
available specimens / slides.
Study of following specimens :
- Sigillariales : Sigillaria Stem
- Sphenophyllales : Sphenophyllum Stem
- Marattiales : Psaronius stem
- Medullosales : Pachytesta Seed
- Coniferales : Elatocladus,
- Cycadaless : Ptilophyllum,
- Glossopteridales : Gamnopteris leaf
- Angiosperms : Palmoxylon stem, Sahanianthus flower
Reference Books :
Arnold, C.A. 1972. An introduction to paleobotany
Bierhorst, D.W.1971. Morphology of Vascular plants
Bower, F. O. 1963. The Ferns
Darroh, W.C. 1968. Principles of paleobotany
Eames, A. J. and E. M. Giffard. 1950. Comparative morphology of vascular plants
Jermy, A. G. 1973. The Phylogeny and Classification of ferns.
Parihar, N.S. 1959. An Introduction to Pteridophyta
Rashid, A. 1978. An introduction otPeridophytes
Spome, K.R. 1966. Morphology of Ptseridophytes
Surange, K.R. 1968. Indian Fossil Pteridophytes
Trivedi, A. N. 2002. Advances in Pteridology
Vashishta, B.R. 1996. Botany for degree students – Pteridophytes
Andrews, H.N. 1961. Studies in Paleobotany
Bhatnagar, S.P. and MoitraAlok 1996.The Gymnosperms.
Bierhorst, D.W. 1971. Morphology of vascular plants
Chamberlein, C.J. 1966. Gymnosperms, Structure and Evolution
Coulter and Chumberlein, J. M. Morphology of Gymnosperms
Darroh, W.C.1960. Principles of Paleobotany
Foster, A. S. and Gifford, E. M. 1959. Comparative morphology of vascular plants
Ramanujan, C.G.K. 1979. Indian Gymnosperms in Time and Space
Shukla, A.C. and Mishra, S.D. 1975.Essentiales of Paleobotany
Spome, K.R. 1967. Morphology of Gymosperms
Stewart, W. N. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants,Cambridge U.S.
Vashistha, P.C. 1976. The Gymnosperms
American Fern Journal
International Journal of plant sciences.
- Teacher: varsha jadhav Botany