M. Sc. Tech. Mathematics (Part II) (Semester IV)
(Introduced from June 2015 onwards)
Paper: MT 405 (CBCS)
Linux Operating System
UNITS No. of Lectures
Unit-I: Overview of Operating System Concepts: Kernel Basics, Architecture of Kernel, Files
and File System. Internal Representation of Files: inodes, directories, superblocks, disk blocks.
System Calls: open, read, write, close, creation of files, mount and unmount, link and unlink.
Processes, Users and Groups, Permissions, Signals, Interprocess Communication. 15 lectures
Unit-II: Introduction to Linux: History, Open Source Technology, Linux Distributions.
Installation: System Requirements, Partitions, Boot Loaders, Installation Procedure. Linux
Interfaces: User Accounts, Display Managers, Command Line Interface. KDE: Introduction
and Features, the KDE Desktop, KDE Control Center. Gnome: The Gnome interface, Gnome
Desktop, Window Manager, Panel. 15 lectures
Unit-III: Editors: commands and working of vim and emacs editor. File Structure: files and
directories, permissions, utilities. Shell: Introduction, types, command line, various built-in shell
commands, Shell Expansion and Redirection, input/output, pipes, variables, Shell Scripts.
. 15 lectures
Unit-IV: Shell Programming: variables, operators, control structures, user input/output, pattern
matching/searching, command line arguments. The gawk scripting language: syntax, variables,
operators, arrays, structured commands. . 15 lectures
Recommended Books:
1) Maurice J. Bach : “The Design of Unix Operating System”, Prentice Hall India
2) Sumitbha Das: "UNIX concepts and applications", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001,
Ninth reprints.
Reference Books:
1) Richard Peterson : “The Complete Reference – Linux, 5th Edition”, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
2) E.Siever, S.Figgins, R.Love and A.Robbins: “Linux in a Nutshell, 6th Edition”, O’Reilly
3) Robert Love: “Linux System Programming, 2nd Edition”, O’Reilly.
4) Richard Blum: “Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible” Wiley Publishing Inc.
- Teacher: Jaykumar Bhosale