Principles of bioenergetics, Oxidative phosporylation Biochemical anatomy of a mitochondrion, Membrane-Bound electron carriers, Mitochondrial Electron-Transfer Chain, effects of inhibitors of electron transfer Agents that interfere with oxidative phosphorylation. ATP Synthesis Chemiosmotic model, Mitochondrial ATP synthase complex, Binding-Change mechanism for ATP Synthesis, , Malate-aspartate shuttle, Glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle, Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, Heat generation by uncoupled mitochondria, Mitochondria evolved from endosymbiotic Bacteria, Mitochondrial genes: Their origin and the effects of mutations, Mutations in mitochondrial genes, The role of mitochondria in apoptosis and Oxidative stress.
15 Hrs
Unit II Photosynthesis: Harvesting light energy General features of photophosphorylation, Light absorption, Reaction centers organization of photosystems in the thylakoid membrane. Hill reaction, The central photochemical event: Light-driven electron flow ATP synthesis by photophosphorylation, A proton gradient couples electron flow and Phosphorylation, Chloroplasts Evolved from endosymbiotic bacteria, Carbohydrate biosynthesis in plants and bacteria, Photorespiration, Calvin cycle (C3) and Hatch-Slack pathway, (C4) CAM pathways, Biosynthesis of starch and sucrose ,Synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides.
15 Hrs
Unit III Types of nitrogen fixation, Symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen cycle Root nodule formation,Nitrogenase enzyme complex - azoferredoxin and molybdoferrodoxin. Physiological electron donors and mechanism of nitrogen reduction, Nif genes and its regulation, Microbial fertilizers. Marine nitrogen fixation.
15 Hrs
Unit IV Biotransformation of toxicants, Uptake and excretion of hydrophilic and lipophillic compounds, reactions phase I (modifications) phase II (conjugation) and phase III (transport) and their interrelationships, Monooxygenases, Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and Mixed function oxidases, biotranformation in animals, biotranformation in microorganisms, biotranformation in fungi, biotranformation in plants, modifications in biotransformation, syndromes associated.
- Teacher: Jyoti Jadhav Biochem